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"Spirituality is a brave search for the truth of existence, fearlessly peering into the mysterious nature of life." 

-Elizabeth Lesser


Why is spirituality important? Spirituality isn't just about connection with God or religion, spirituality is also a deep connection with yourself and the world around you. Practicing spirituality is important because you can find a deeper meaning to life. 







  • Reflect on the Bible. Write a couple of sentences on what you read and make a connection to your own life. The Bible is relevant even in today's age and we can find deeper meaning in it if we are able to find and make connections from it to our own lives. 

  • Meditate on Jesus Calling. Reflect on the devotional and how you can make a connection to your own life. 

  • Pray! Set aside a time in your day to pray. Praying can deepen your connection to God and to spirituality.  

  • Practice mindfulness. Make time each day to sit in the silence. Follow along with Calm (as listed above) or make your own mindfulness routine. 

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